#36: Are you Hustling to Heal?

Episode Description: In this episode, I'm getting pretty candid about a common trap in the healing journey: hustling to heal. If you find yourself constantly listening to podcasts, completing challenge after challenge, affirmations on repeat and doing all the right things but still find yourself feeling exhausted and disconnected. It's time to shift the focus inward, embrace the journey, and find joy in the process.

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Episode Summary:

Hey there, it's Kelly. On this episode I'm diving deep into the concept of "hustling to heal." I see it all the time, and I did it myself for years. You might be stuck in a cycle of listening to endless podcasts(yes I know there is irony here as this is a podcast episode - I explain in the episode), doing 30-day challenge after 30 day challenge, reading all the books, and practicing yoga and meditation obsessively, hoping it will help you feel better. You get the point, right? This is the epitome of looking outside yourself to heal.

When healing becomes just another job, a chore, or something to check off your to-do list, it's time to reassess. Expansion work should be fun, rewarding, and joyful. Yes, it can be hard, and yes, you'll cry and feel a lot, but that's part of the process. It leads to holding more joy, love, and peace in your heart and life. It's about going within and facing your shadows, not outsourcing your healing to external achievements.

I used to be caught in this cycle, trying to prove my strength by completing challenges and sticking to strict routines. But the real flex is going internal, reconnecting with your body and intuition, and loving yourself fully. Even if it feels like you're making progress, ask yourself: does it feel like a second or third job? Do you actually love yourself and your life? Are you enjoying the results?

Healing is about the journey, not the destination. If you're not enjoying the journey, what are you doing? For a decade, I didn't enjoy my journey. I burned myself out trying to perfect myself, leading to disordered eating and hormonal chaos. The answer is to go within, sit with yourself, and ask the tough questions. What do you really want? What is really working for you?

Make space on your journey to unwind, relax, and open yourself to receive. Tools like astrology, human design, tarot, and oracle cards, as well as relationships with spirit guides and mentors, can support you in going within and discovering who you truly are. Remember, you're an incredible soul having a human experience, and you deserve to enjoy it.

If you're hustling to heal, this is your sign to slow down. Recognize that doing it all won't heal you, but going within will.