#9 - Discussing Intrusive Thoughts, Rumination and Anxiety - Part 2 with Lily Sais

Lily Sais joins me for a powerful part 2 and we dive deeper into intrusive thoughts, rumination and anxiety. There is examples of intrusive thoughts and anxiety - want to give a TW here. 

As someone who has experienced and suffered from anxiety, rumination and intrusive thoughts, I love bringing this to you all. Lily explains things in a way that was unknown to me for a long time. Such an absolute joy to have her join me again for this conversation. 

Lily is a former lead school psychologist, now a full time mental health practitioner with a passion for helping people with anxiety. She struggled with anxiety, panic, & OCD for years and felt broken because she was trying so hard & nothing seemed to work long term. Her life changed when she started to take her thinking less seriously, gave her intellect a break and learned about the three principles understanding. She realized her default is peacefulness, not anxiousness. She is passionate about helping people reconnect to their natural peace of mind, resiliency, and wellbeing through sharing the principles.

We also have a part one

Find Lily's offers here:


Lily is also on Instagram @_peacefromwithin and TikTok @peacefromwithin


