#2: The Power of Reclaiming Who You Truly Are: My experience reclaiming the word Witch

In this episode I start by reading at article that I wrote called Wake The Witch Within and how reclaiming the word Witch as part of my identity was a powerful shift. Then I discuss the power of reclaiming who you truly are in any aspect of your life and ask powerful questions to help you expand and reclaim you authenticity. 




1. Do you feel that you are being called to reclaim your identity as a witch? 

2. Are you hiding your witchiness to please others or have you fully embraced yourself as a witch?

3. Where in your life are you being called to reclaim a part of yourself that you have left in your shadows?

4. Are you hiding parts of yourself to please others?

5. Have you fully embraced all of who you are? 

- Watch for patterns and bring awareness to where you are avoiding aspects of yourself. 


Get Lisa Lister's book Witch here: https://lisalister.com/witchbook

